

Taxes in CZ for foreigners

17:19 02.11.2016

Hello, I would like to ask you a question concerning taxes for a foreigner in the Czech Republic. I am from Italy, I registered at the Italian…

Hello, I would like to ask you a question concerning taxes for a foreigner in the Czech Republic. I am from Italy, I registered at the Italian embassy in Prague and I am going to ask for the prechodny pobyt. If I own a real state in Italy (with NO income relative to this real estate), do I have to pay taxes also in the Czech Republic or only in Italy? Thank you. Kindest regards, Stefania D'Alessandro

Stefania D

Odpověď na 1


00:46 03.11.2016

Dear Stefania, what would you want to tax if there is no income related to your property? :-) But generally. The income tax from incomes…

Dear Stefania,

what would you want to tax if there is no income related to your property? :-)

But generally.

The income tax from incomes concerning to real estate is always paid in original country without respect to tax residency of the owner.

But the owner who is tax resident of other country (probably Czech in your case) is also obliged to declare the income in the tax return in country of it's tax residency (Czech). A duble taxation you can avoid acccording to mutual double taxation treaty between Italy and The Czech Republic. So your additional payment will be zero or very small amount.

Best Regards


Ing. Michael Hájek

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